Detective Conan

Shinichi Kudo is a 17-year-old high school detective known as the “modern-day Sherlock Holmes.” One night, however, after a date with his childhood sweetheart, Ran, Shinichi witnesses an illegal transaction and is caught off guard, loses consciousness and is drugged with a drug that is supposed to kill him. In order to track down the culprit, Shinichi hides his identity and goes to live with Ran. Ran’s father happens to be a no-good detective, and it is a series of murders and mysteries that Shinichi must solve.



EP 1128 EP 1129 EP 1130
EP 1127 EP 1126 EP 1125 EP 1124
EP 1123 EP 1122 EP 1121 EP 1120
EP 1119 EP 1118 EP 1117 EP 1116
EP 1115 EP 1114 EP 1113 EP 1112
EP 1111 EP 1110 EP 1109 EP 1108
EP 1107 EP 1106 EP 1105 EP 1104
EP 1103 EP 1102 EP 1101 EP 1100